Tom saw the world in poetic images. Poems came out of him naturally, like a dictation from within. After Tom died, I found lines of poems sprinkled throughout the house: in jacket pockets, in notebooks, in drawers, on the kitchen table. When I had a poetic idea, he would say to me, “Write that down now or you’ll forget it.” He taught me to respect and honor the creative word. Although his poetry spans 30 years, we have included only some of his most recent poems here.

For Us
for Beth

This rainbow around the sun
Is our sign today

Our first time away
Bending our heads

We had come out at night,
Full moon still shining in my mind

Happy to find ourselves
In each other’s arms.

You framed the drawing
Now hanging in your room

Where I come at night
Whenever the dogs are not barking.


Our Hike
for Beth

We stand together on the trail in the forest rain
Sun shines through the mountain fog
Shafts of light separate the mist into corridors
We think the same thoughts
Your tongue tastes like malt nut
All the greens in open shade
Make it easy to love this world



Hoping to have
Just enough
To play
My part
However brief
In my
Tiny life


Eating for two

I am eating for two
And I am not pregnant
Something has grabbed hold
Of me
Helping itself to my calories
And 13 pounds of my flesh

I imagine that I live
Within an inner Serengeti
Yellow lions have me
Even though it will
Be their own demise
In the end



Remembering things that never

Oliver Sax remembers
A bombing during the Blitz that
Occurred before he was born

You forget things that you did do
But remember a person you
Never met

You thought you did something you did not do
Like the yeast you forgot to buy

You thought you called your friend back

You begin to believe that you saw a film
That you never heard of before now

You can’t remember what you forgot
This is our lot


Sitting by the Ocean

The poetry of the moment
Being in the sounds of
Surf plunging
Foaming  white

In and out
Liquid meeting solid grey
Rock and yellow sand
In an aura of sun light
And blue sky
With you and I
Side by side.

(for Beth)

Third birthday

In a lovely little
Green park
Children and parents
Mother lays out
party snacks and favors

Father kicks
a soccer ball around

They turn
Away from
Each other
Into the cold.

Kneeling down
Sophia slowly
Breaks into


Cuckoo Clock

I caught a
Glimpse of
Sand running
A three
Egg timer
And wondered
What comes

We need a cuckoo
A cuckoo bird
To stick its
Head out
And remind
Us of time,
Painted as a
White wooden bird
Varnished with
humor and scents


Words Matter

You can love a word.
Without volition

Tupelo grabs me.
I love the sound
Of Tupelo

I don’t mean Tupelo,
I would never go near
But I want
To live in


Closer Now

I want to say
George, where
Are you?

You taught me
To skip

I need a lift
Right now

long ago
Seems  Near

They feel closer
Closer now
The dead


State of Mine

The painting
Changes as
It is being

And goes on
Changing as the
Viewer changes

Allowing the painting
To lead us into
What we know

If you want
To kill a painting
Insist upon
Understanding it

What is it
That lets
this art
Wash over us?


New Ways

Colors mix
On white canvas

Oil bars

Blot painting
On tracing paper
Like onion skin
Thin and whitish
Pulls and spreads



He said that you
Can get stuck in a word,
Like you can lose your
Shoe in sticky grey mud

He said there is a word
For this in Russian.
Which sounded good.

When asked if
The word was
Truly so
He said    no
But it felt true when he said it.


A Way To See

Mothers give
Their children
A way to see

The shadow of a
Leaf on
Grey ground

Guiding him to a
Without walls
Voices of silence
Speak of
The migration of meaning


Lola Drinks Water

Lola Drinks Water
From my wife’s
Folded into a double
More and more
She wants.
Hands full of
While we
Are in
A sacred


Body music

Harvesting words
where I find them

Every reading
a new translation

Words that light up
I am taking
for my own

remembering that stories
have something to say
even if the writer
does not.



My father talked to

At the grocery

On the street,

In the hardware store

With an ease
That I know

While I wait
In line
At Walgreens


In America

We become
an instant breakfast
any moment

sometimes left
in the toaster
too long

only to be
followed by
weaponizing language

paradoxical dictators
at the Oh Lord theater

without pantomime

we are left with
images that replace seeing


Photo of arriving in Paris, June, 1938

Freud looks
Down towards
His daughter
who stares
Into her handbag
Looking for
an official
Dressed in black

With Austrians

Freud frozen
Steadying himself
With his cane

Darkness seen before.

To his left
A finely dressed man
In a gray suit,
Gazes at his papers
Missing his place.


After the crematorium

What to do
the ashes
so much

Mixed with Coal Ash and
charcoal gray Coke
spread across
the lush green pastures
lower wetlands     reflecting
a darkening sky

Or hand rolled     on tracks
right here in Auschwitz-Birkenau
in small V-shaped railcars
to the gray Vestula river
to be sent     down stream.
to carry us       to


Sleeping on Hair 

Rooms full of hair
Brown and black

They shave the heads
After gassing them

Just before
the red coals
of crematorium

Bundles of hair
Shipped back to
Berlin and put into

Sleeping on hair




he can’t remember
what he did
to get spanked
whipped with a belt to be exact

a smoky memory
next to waking time

this is what I am
forced to write
think    see

how can I shrink
away from
this feeling?



We are told
To give up
Our darlings
When we write

Rather better
To build a
Darling palace as
A seed bank


I am a Secret

My Roy Rogers ring
With its secret
Where hidden
I lie



Over and under


We could be wasps

While walking on
A rocky
Steep trail
Red dust
Packed around
Green pine trees
Bright limestone
Eggshell brown

Sycamore timber
Split rocks
Mud bricks
A four floor
Living hive
Inside the light gray
Cliff wall

They used ladders


My Sister

Your dying makes me
Feel eroded
Grasping you back
To be there forever

Left behind
With your brilliance
Joyful playing around
Having your own horse

Your sublime painting
Of musical
Fitting together
A unique color harmonics

You had seen Picasso’s
Noted Cubism’s shift

Thank you

You defended me to mother
Instructing her
“That’s how boy’s roll up
Their jeans now”

Playing Beethoven
Piano concertos
On red records
75’s, big
On our new
Blond hi fi

You taught me
How to skip
Just as I was having
To give up the belief
That I really
Could fly


D Word

Unites us
Like a giant
Cancer support

Back in
Our minds

We all know
We are in this


Nothing to Say

Our lives are filled
With broken hearts
We can sit together
speechless, helpless,
numb together
nothing to say

your daughter
took her life
creating a dark
swamp of misery
for us
to sink into


The World is not the same
For T.S.

Larry told
Me you died
Day before last
(which was your
Last day)
After being told that
Both your brothers died
I imagine you were
Shocked to death
Just after you
Got tired of living


What are we

To think
When a physicist
Tells us we
May all be
A reflection of
Another universe


 Louis at 80

My brother’s hand
a very old man’s hand
How could he save me
Again as he did
When I was five
Not quite swimming
In our pond
He reached down
And pulled me back
From drowning’s door


Speaks    Hunger

He wants no bargains
Jeffery hates sales

Not to be wanting

I am not
Going to get
Drug into that

Seeking  sales
Speaks  wanting

Attempting to magic the gap
Between what we need
And what we got

What is it

To be someone


Poem for David

‘This is not what is supposed to happen’
‘Tell me about it’

I know but
I can’t stand it

You died too young
For today

Moment to moment
You left us
With the presence
Of an absence

A missing
A gap
In our family’s



The pale and haggarded
Writer living on the elbow
Of this hallway where
It  turns red-orange
Is yelling “does someone have
A radio playing?
Where is that coming
From?” “I  can’t get it
Out of my mind”

Just as he looks out
A yellow neon
Sign flashes
“artifacts of the present”


Angel of History

Today I see
My father’s delight,
Taking delight
In me,
Small boy eating more
And more lightly
Browned biscuits
He’s just made
For us

In our fire wood
Warmed cabin


In groves

Incubate words
Used in music
Hum inside
Blue visions
of grace

I read
That beauty
Is at the
Heart of the
Tree of life


I want to kiss my father’s hands

Wide with their map of veins

For love to thank them
For all the bacon they
Brought home

For lifting me up
While he and I
Smile at each other

For giving me
A paintbrush
To draw a portrait of him
Tall as me, dark
Black upon white



She needs
To be touched

Hug her when
You can

Follow her
In silence

Right to her right brain


Awake at night

I see
what I saw
now seen again

Loud cries
tired cries
hollowed out cries

A little girl about three and a half,   blonde dog ear  braids 
wearing red and brown leggings and  skirt
yellow sweater

Her screams escalate as her mother walks quickly out the shop door into the cold
She runs to push the door with both hands  before it closes

Once out,   she throws herself in slow motion on her back
upon the concrete   stretching her arms out flat
as if the sidewalk became a lap

Suddenly she jumps up and runs screaming after her  receding mom
whose frozen face turns away from her daughter
and her own distress          turned to hate


Working the W's

Undulating grasses
wave and writhe
while washed
over by
invisible water
called wind


Scent of sawdust

summer garden
tomato sun
hot and wet

a wonder

growing up through
all of time
monkey mind


Getting Hitched

While walking up a
Descending  escalator 
I  heard that
A Utah court
Same sex marriage

One wonders how
Did we mix up
Civil rights and
Discretionary cruelty


Sitting beside the hospital bed
He places his hand
Upon his dying partner’s hand
Without disturbing the IV line

Together in
This never
before place.


Inscribed inside

Un be known
Mr. shit

Which dose
To trace
Bubble, bubble

Pots of bubble
Pots of red

Where desperation
Green wild
Following the sun
For years



Where is
My father’s
Straight Back
With a

Worn smooth
Through a
Dark brown

A rib is missing

I meant
To take it
For repair
And sit   on it


Taftana, Syria

only men
the trench
with bodies
wrapped in
of different hues
red earth
yellow sand
powder blue

a little girl
wearing green
lies next to
her sister.
rope bound

under her last


Double Rainbow

he relishes
the thick
ice cream

he offers a spoonful
to his breast shaped
water cup
with a nipple
on top

already, he knows
at which altar
to pray


He said

He said ‘don’t look at me”
Hiding under the pink plastic container
He would not come out
His brother hides under the bed

The father wants  me to talk about what I see
I see a puffed up face
A  unrecognizable(skeletal) mother
A father whose words cannot form

A pregnazone father    a father
Who lost his mother
A father pumped up  
A father in steroids

I said nothing


A Cow and a Calf

A mother smoothly swings
Her muscled neck
And shoulders
Sweeping aside the two Heifers
Who were getting too close
To her newborn calf

She will not tolerate
Trampling, stepping on
Around her and her baby

At once
Those black cows are
Out of there
And her calf.
Now touching
Her leg



Here in the graveyard
Everyone is quiet
Cars race by
The edge

Gilgamesh’s questions
Still linger
What is death?
What happens?
Is there life after death?

What we know
Is that we will
Be dead


Taking care
For Norma and Hiam

Kneeling, she slowly
Quietly and tenderly
Wipes the head stone
Of her fallen husband
Of 63 years.
She wears a special
Dress and jewelry

An inaudible pain
Thickens the air
And flattens everything
She suddenly appears
More two dimensional

The polished black granite
Engraved: “he said there is a piece
Of God in each of us.”
Loving and devoted husband,
Father, grandfather, uncle, and friend

A real Mensch

We miss you every day


The First Time
For my mother

Now I can finally
See her running
In her own unique
More like hopping
And running at the
Same time

A definite
And joyful
chasing her sisters
In spite of its being lame

This is the first time
I have seen her so

She was old and
Had already had
A heart attack
Before me

Bedridden most of my  childhood
Much of the time

But now I have seen
Her running and I will
Never be the same




They say sounds go on forever
Out into the universe.
If only we could tune in
We could hear Jesus, Moses
And Freud, speaking today

Our ancestors, figures of speech
And figures from history
No longer out of reach

Mozart plays his own music
African drumming from the dawn
Blowhards, the meek, the modest
Mothers whispers
Napoleons orders
Shakespeare’s directions
Lovers wails

Those who show tenderness

I want to take these strands of voices
And weave a Cape
To wear
On those chilly nights
When we find ourselves in there




I was the best
at turning on the oxygen
when my mother fell
for ever

I was the best
helping her
up and down
up and down
every step,  synced
to hers


Working in the silence
Written while looking at Millet’s painting ‘Women Sewing By Lamp Light’

Working in silence

Our eyes led by
the painter’s placement
face to lamp   to hands

She sits
in lamplight
a white bonnet
a red shawl
surrounded by darkness

just enough glow
to sew by

a small child
unnoticed at first
sleeps near her
blanketed in stillness


Hospital visits

To organize, recollect you,
Find your teeth
Help you
Have a smoke
On your beloved pipe

Humiliated by
Having to be cleaned
Up like a baby
Who has shat his

the last time I saw you
looking across a hospital room
from door to bed
the distance shortening and lengthening
and collapsing
a terrible sadness
in our wet eyes

I did not want to know
That you were dying
Nor hear that you were
Ready to go.


Big oxygen bottle                          
For mother

Green and taller
Than me
With shiny
Chrome fixtures
turning wheel
And circular gauge
So as to provide
An exact amount
Of breath

I turned it on
As the youngest
I quickly learned
To be a provider
Of rich air

Better, to be at home
Rather than looking
For You along
Gray hospital walls
And dim corridors
To find you shut
In, and  me
Of a think plastic tent
Fed by another big green bottle

Praying on the way
To the hospital
Promising, begging


Flying east

Grey clouds
Across a light
Blue sky

Flying towards darkness
Going ahead in
Watch time

Looking for
To tell the
Sailors’ stories
Which were lost
In the tunnel
Of the past
That recedes
And keeps up
With us
At the same time

The ferry boat Captain
Is confused
He claims there is
a man overboard.


Father and Son
for my father

a father and son
work silently alongside each other
in unison
folding, packing, carrying their supplies
they swim slowly in a warm bath of unspoken feeling,
their thick medium to move about in,

this is their camp


My Girl
for Rachael

My girl sings to her dolls
My girl plays the flute for her dolls.
A joy,
My girl opens up a joy in my heart
that was packed away by distraction
she makes me lay down my load
and dance,
a dance remembered from before she was born.


Coffee Creek Chalet

I’m watching Blue Jays eat acorns at their leisure
if they are ever at leisure
Sinking into a silent place in the forest
bits of nut falling from the
Jay’s dinner table
the steady water flow
sweet smell of pine and fir
damp leaves, fallen, moss, twigs
a forest alchemy
I’m rich!



a squirrel who has
the world by the tail
plus his own beautiful tail
amidst a rain of acorns
stood me off
with fierce churps
a threatening stance
and a determination
to stare me down
I know I am slipping
into silliness but
think of it as playfulness
in the face of a sternness

A Blessing Way
for Molly Bee

A current of love follows
the mountain water running
over us
around us
beside us
in a shallow flat
where water warmed
among long summer afternoon sun.
sugar pine, cedar, and birch
branch out along the river
flowing from a source place
where heaven and earth peak

You, Molly, tiny daughter on my chest
not yet a year old,
now marry at 25 years old
to a young man full of promise
and devotion for you
who will hold you in another way,
a husband way,
downstream from a father’s way

a blessing way

Fed By Memory

Rilke says
Poetry is the past breaking out
in our hearts.

Today as I drove along
caught up in a dark mood,
I passed the conservatory of flowers
and a very special day stepped forward:

My father and I are standing
by a flower bed where a young gardener
planting hens and chickens
recognizes the importance of the moment
gracefully gives my father a souvenir bulb

He is delighted,
the warm sunair, the green,
the feeling among us.

Today, I burst into tears.


Welcome to Lake Combie

Sure enough, I arrived
at inspiration point the
minute I strayed from the
official directions.

Today while turning back
from having lost my way
I met a mother deer with
her two fawn nearby;
they were sitting low in
green grass and clover
under the shade
of a big oak
growing in a pasture
frequented by cows.

Their eyes and moving
ears told all,
they were sweet baby eyes –
so still, moist
and quiet
The mother looked
over at her young and
then at me –
and ready to
snap into action
if need be.

I went on quickly.
Maybe too quickly.


All is Damp

Spiders web
my easel
in an afternoon,
Ants eat the
toothpaste residue,
lizards chortle,
dogs bark,
cocks crow,
birds sing,
the farmers who work
the rice by day,
Hunt eels –
and frog –
by lantern.

1984, Ubud, Bali

Breakfast at the Raffles

Ferlinghetti says
It is the bird singing that
makes us happy.

Glancing up I meet
deep purple orchids
White table cloths
tables of steaming sausages
Bacon, ham, eggs, potatoes
Chinese porridge

yellow pineapple
yellow banana
red papaya

1984, Singapore

Echo and Spice

Oh spice man
Grinding saffron, curry, and cumin.
you seem so serene –
I want to watch you for hours,
amongst your red powders,
a fragrant terrain indeed.

You move in a most
relaxed pace and time, -
no motion wasted, -
the right hand feeds the
grinder’s mouth while the

left hand bags the scarlet dust.

I marvel at your unbroken
face, surely this smoothness
Slides from a clear sense
of satisfaction,
That quiet freedom –
attained by doing only
what you must.

Supplying the spice of life,
the element of flavor refined,

Resonating with your presence,
a presence in us all.


For Renaldo Maduro

Our lady of Guadalupe
Watch over him
Red peppers of the South
Keep him warm through winter
Spring rains wash him
Summer sun caress him.

Renaldo with your passion
Your giving and receiving
You excelled with all your might
And you were generous,
You fought shame, rage, and terror

You were inside and out,
I’m sorry for how much you
Must of suffered in between
Thrice minoritized
Once by race
Again by class
Then finally in love
With the dark man
And then in dying
Of a disease whose victims are blamed

Help us forgive ourselves

AZT hope for AIDS
To go over, Pass our house
Oh angel of death

Fall fell anyway
Gaunt and tired
I saw you sweating
Telling me you had been
Sick a month
Still charged and sexy

After words
Our resident shaman
Saw you in his dream
Riding fast on a camel
In the desert
With your long rifle held
High; smiling your
Renaldo smile.

The dead in the minds of the living –
Now you will live for me
In my mind and
I still hope we can someday
Play congo drums
Together in Mission Dolores Park

Mozart or the Chickens

To listen to Mozart on the tape deck
Or to the chickens and
The wind

Clucks and gusts,
Swaying grass    flowers
Branches    leaves.

To say that wind is air moving over the earth
In a horizontal direction
Is not enough

A blackbird is gliding
Sideways on a wind
Looking for his breakfast

The chickens speak for themselves

Oh No, The Good Mother-Breast Is Cracking

In Mas,
I finally found
the long sought after
Good Breast Mother
holding her child close

I greedily snatched her up –
bargained hard for her,
paid cash,
140,000 rupiah.

Now she is cracking
from heart to foot –
clean thru her child’s
leg and her own

The crack    is
stopped    at
her heart    by
a knot –
once    a limb


On Being Available

When the door’s open,
you can hear a poem –
some say – write
a poem –
on an airplane,
on a couch,
in a minibus,
in a lobby,
as a hobby,
at lunch,
in a car,
late at night,
in the evening,
anytime at all.

1984, Ubud, Bali

The Black Madonna

They tell us that you
were burned black in candle soot;
But I think you’ve always been black
like a bark root
reaching from under the dark
Amidst the children of mother night,
older sister to sleep and dreams.

Now hold us in your
loving arms, whose rapt embrace
stays our sores and pains
“Our mother who are in the earth”

Woman in the earth
womb in the earth
accept your children that we may
hear your whisper,
help us turn our heads
from right to left,
sun to moon,
sky to earth, before
it is too late.

Oh Black Mistress shake our land,
hail down black stones
Lest we forget the
honored and the blamed
the pregnant and the barren

A whore’s love, a mother’s love,
a virgin’s love, a lover’s love;
we need you to be Black,
shade us from the bleaching by convention.

Oh holy ghost –
only you can bring us over,
you surely spoke to Mozart,
Orpheus, and Maximillian.

You are sought by those who found you.
And remembered by those who forgot you.


The Cabin

After slowly washing
the supper dishes,
in water –
simmered over a scrapwood fire,
the water, cool
from the well – pumped
in the company of grasshoppers
and carried in the stainless steel
With all its beautiful scratches,
one drink
dispels thirst.

Sitting on the porch,
feeding ourselves on
the warm and silent
serenaded by
crickets and frogs,
noting the fireflies –
my father uncovers
his memories for us

How could I have known
that these moments would sustain me
through the solitude
that was to follow.


The Gratitude For Poetry
by a young poet nearly 42

O muses and
Great gods,
Ground of being
Thank you and all your minions –

How could I live
without you?
through all the
rock and
you have given me
new life.
revived me
from my stumbling slumber.

I surprise myself.

1984, Ubud, Bali